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ARABIAN NIGHT group yoga video

Successful arabian night!!

me, sue xian, stephenie, joyce and annie


hot hot hot, sizzling hot arabian night
will be on at this 30th October!!!
me and my friend will present a series of yoga and yogadance performance.
fee: RM45/ RM50 PER SEAT


Is been awhile since my last update, kinda busy lately. Have to go to truefitness to help them do replacement for yoga class. Recently, many of my friends fall sick, get flu. Actually i still can't avoid myself to preventing the H1N1 flu. There still got some number of cases for those pass away due to this flu. For what I can suggest is stay clean, stay away for crowd and stay yourself healthy!!! If you still using yoga mat that supply by studio which many been using, is time for you to get yourself one new mat. Is hygiene and can keep yourself moving in the path of yoga.


Are u in mood to jump into a healthier life, feel the openness of ur hearth, and feel u breathing deep and fresh!!!!

Chloe is now opening a new class just right for u, if u green in yoga but yet interested to know yoga more, contact me NOW!!!

My classes will have limit for intake, pls drop ur registration in my chat box asap!!

Not much space left!!

SUNDAY 10am to 11am (start from OCTOBER)

THURSDAY 6.30pm to 7.30pm (intermediate)

FEES: RM60/4 classes, RM110/8 classes, registration RM20


ACROYOGA WORKSHOP by adam rinder

Group photo for acroyoga workshop


How to have a good night sleep?

Do you have trouble falling asleep, or toss and turn in the middle of the night?
Awaken too early, or find yourself not feeling refreshed in the morning? You are not alone: millions of people struggle with falling and staying asleep.

Unless you’re suffering from a serious sleep disorder, simply improving your daytime habits and creating a better sleep environment can set the stage for good sleep. By developing a good bedtime routine and designing a plan that works with your individual needs, you can avoid common pitfalls and make simple changes that bring you consistently better sleep.

How to pervent these and have a good night sleep?

I would like to share so usefull tips with you all today>.<

Sometime, we can't help ourself to stop using our brain, especially before sleeping...thinking of what will I wanna to do tomorrow morning, which road to take to go to Petaling Jaya before 10am, what to eat the next morning, nasi lemak? roti canai? mee hoon goreng?....Actually we have to prepare ourself to sleep!!
HOW? keep our brain in peace and calm=RELAX. Put some relaxing music, wear a comfortable clothing, keep yourself calm and turn the light to dim.

After you lying down on bed, slowly, close your eyes, you can try to put a weighted sand bag on your eyes, empty your mind and focus on your breathing, slowly repeating every inhale and exhale, deeeeeeeep.....slooooooww.......and listen to it. Put yourself to SAVASANA position(lying down open your legs a bit, put your arms beside your body but not higher then your shoulder). After in the SAVASANA poses already, remember keep on focus on your breathing and relax your mind, body and soul all the way. Imagine yourself is a piece of butter, slowly melthing down, and soften your muscle.

Hope my tips can help you to improve your sleep>.<

New look for my blog

Oh my god, I had spent two days to reorganise this blog. Try very hard to find a suitable themes and blog templates for my blog. Finally I come out with you are looking at now. Hope you all enjoy it, by the way, I love my new slogan "ALL ABOUT YOGA, together love yoga, learn yoga, play yoga and live yoga" >.<

Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana

Also know as: downward facing dog/ downward dog
Type of pose: Standing, Mild Inversion, Resting
Benefits: Stretches and strengthens the whole body. Can help relieve back pain.

Downward facing dog is done many times during most yoga classes. It is a transitional pose, a resting pose and a great strengthener in its own right. It may be the first yoga pose you encounter as you begin a yoga practice. Downward dog is so prevalent, even people who have never done yoga have probably heard of it.


1. Come to your hands and knees with the wrists underneath the shoulders and the knees underneath the hips.

2. Curl the toes under and push back raising the hips and straightening the legs.

3. Spread the fingers and ground down from the forearms into the fingertips.

4. Outwardly rotate the upper arms broadening the collarbones.

5. Let the head hang, move the shoulder blades away from the ears towards the hips.

6. Engage the quadriceps strongly to take the weight off the arms, making this a resting pose.

7. Rotate the thighs inward, keep the tail high and sink your heels towards the floor.

8. Check that the distance between your hands and feet is correct by coming forward to a plank position. The distance between the hands and feet should be the same in these two poses. Do not step the feet toward the hands in Down Dog in order the get the heels to the floor. This will happen eventually as the muscles lengthen.

Beginners: Try bending your knees, coming up onto the balls of your feet, bringing the belly to rest on the thighs and the sit bones up high. Then sink your heels, straightening the legs keeping the high upward rotation of the sit bones. Also try bending the arms slightly out to the side, drawing the chest towards the thighs. Then restraighten the arms.

Advanced: If you are very flexible, try not to let the rib cage sink towards the floor creating a sinking spine. Draw the ribs in to maintain a flat back. Try holding the pose for five minutes, placing a block under your head for support


MONDAY 8.30PM-9.30PM (BAYU PERDANA-DANZ FLOOR) intermediate yoga
THURSDAY 6.30PM-9.30PM (BEHIND KLANG PARADE) intermediate yoga
4.30pm-5.15pm (KLANG UTAMA) yogakids
SUNDAY 9.30AM-10.30AM (BEHIND KLANG PARADE) new intake

For more info pls call 012-6868226 CHLOE

vinyasa method

This style of yoga is characterized by a focus on viṅyāsa, or a dynamic connecting posture, that creates a flow between the more static traditional yoga postures. Vinyasa translates as linking and the system also implies the linking of the movement to the breath. Essentially the breath dictates the movement and the length of time held in the postures. Unlike some Hatha yoga styles, attention is also placed on the journey between the postures not just the postures themselves. The viṅyāsa 'flow' is a variant of Sūrya namaskāra, the Sun Salutation. The whole practice is defined by six specific series of postures, always done in the same order, combined with specific breathing patterns (ujjāyī breathing).

A standard viṅyāsa consists (for example) of the flow from caturaṅga, or plank, to caturaṅga daṇḍāsana, or low plank, to ūrdhva mukha śvānāsana or upward-facing dog, to Adho Mukha Svanasana, or downward-facing dog. The purpose of viṅyāsa is to create heat in the body, which leads to purification of the body through increased circulation and sweating. It also improves flexibility, as well as tendon and hard tissue strength, allowing the student to practice advanced āsanas with reduced risk of injury.

There are six series altogether. Each sequence typically begins with 10 Sun Salutations and the standing poses. This is referred to as the "opening sequence". The student then moves to either the Primary, Intermediate, Advanced A, B, C, or D, depending on his or her skill level, a back-bending sequence, finally closing with a set of inverted postures, referred to as the "finishing sequence". Ashtanga Yoga is traditionally taught in Mysore style (supervised self practice), where each student moves through the practice at his or her own pace and level. In the West, it is more common to find classes devoted to a specific series, and guided by an instructor.

yogi must know- BANDHA

There are three bandhas which are considered our internal body locks, prescribed in the different postures. The bandha is a sustained contraction of a group of muscles that assists the practitioner not only in retaining a pose but also in moving in and out of it. The Mūla Bandha, or root lock, is performed by tightening the muscles around the pelvic and perineum area. The Uḍḍīyāna Bandha, often described as bringing the navel to the base of the spine, is a contraction of the muscles of the lower abdominal area – this bandha is considered the most important bandha as it supports our breathing and encourages the development of strong core muscles. Jālaṅdhara Bandha, throat lock, is achieved by lowering the chin slightly while raising the sternum and the palate bringing the gaze to the tip of the nose.


"Yoga" is the Sanskrit word for YOKE; the knowing that we are all One with the Everything That IS, each other and all other living things. It is an eight fold path (called '8 Limbs') to ultimate enlightenment and the living of a life of infinite possibilities, grace, peace, love and balance.

The practice of Yoga (one of the 8 Limbs) is termed 'asana'; meaning, exercise, postures or poses. A n 'asana' session or practice is a series of active poses that are specific in their benefit to the human being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

More than 2000 years ago, saint and philosopher Patanjali assembled into one text the 4000+ years old principals of Yoga, called 'yoga sutras'. These yoga sutras are timeless and multicultural and intended as a path by which to live a blissful life by improving each individual's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. The 8 Limbs of Yoga are listed on the reverse of this card.


hahaha, me and my "god mother" (annie)finally completed all the poses without fail!!!! YEAH!!! Anyway, girls & ladies, I think we all do a good job, seriously I myself also feel impress by our performance >.< One more rehearsal to go before the actual day, Lay Ching!!! waiting u to be back and we can have a complete rehearsal.

Btw, there is another performance at early of september wit my brother..haven't start my choreography, thinking to do so comtemparary dance fusion with yoga and present the feel of struggle after wars and losing the love one. I think will come out something special.


Mom and my brother who was just gratu from UPM are now heading to JB to receive to be my little bro baby sitter for two days. OMG...very looking forward for today yoga class. As Alicia ask me go there earlier, have to practise for the 28th august yoga performance. My partner work still not that stabil, me and Annie are the couple Alicia worry most...opps!! sorry Alicia!! i will try me best to stabil the poses>.< hoho.

Yoga performance practise pic

will upload more after the performance, is on 28/8/09 at klang, JIVA CULTURAL NIGHT!!


Hi pals, this is my first post in this HURRAY!! Everyone have something they in love with, maybe bf/ gf, cartoon, family, celebrity........ but for me, with my hand on my heart, I LOVE YOGA.

Here is my story for me and yoga, since I was 12 years old, I already start dancing, soon I found myself have great great interest in body structurs and body technique, since then, I can't help myself but just to keep on doing exercise, practise technique and dancing. Until I am 18, in a great apportunity, my mom introduce me to learn yoga because she is taking classes that time as well.

My first yoga class change everything in my life, I found myself finally understand what i have been study in body structurs and body technique is actually same with yoga, how ever yoga is much more deeper and misterious then that. I was impressed, amax and suprise....


My mom, the reason why i into yoga, now is also my student, I already in this carreer for almost two years...I LOVE IT, APPRECIATED IT AND CAN'T LIFE WITHOUT IT >.<