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"Yoga" is the Sanskrit word for YOKE; the knowing that we are all One with the Everything That IS, each other and all other living things. It is an eight fold path (called '8 Limbs') to ultimate enlightenment and the living of a life of infinite possibilities, grace, peace, love and balance.

The practice of Yoga (one of the 8 Limbs) is termed 'asana'; meaning, exercise, postures or poses. A n 'asana' session or practice is a series of active poses that are specific in their benefit to the human being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

More than 2000 years ago, saint and philosopher Patanjali assembled into one text the 4000+ years old principals of Yoga, called 'yoga sutras'. These yoga sutras are timeless and multicultural and intended as a path by which to live a blissful life by improving each individual's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. The 8 Limbs of Yoga are listed on the reverse of this card.


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